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Always complaining about something!

Friday 16 October 2009

Phillip Laing, Tie a knot in it, if it is big enough!


This young man has decided he wants to do a sports degree in the city of Sheffield. Good for him it is nice to see young people wanting to do well in life and study towards something they have interest in. I wish I had done it when I was younger. I would have loved University, the nights out, the new independence, new friends. The opening of a new chapter and an opportunity to succeed and be respected for those achievements.

You see I love a drink, sometimes I will drink until my body can not keep itself upright, at which point I quietly get myself to bed and wake up with the mother of all hangovers. I never act in an orderly manner, never am involved in violence and mainly keep my drinking to the confines of my own home. All my health conscious and sporty friends seize the opportunity to scorn me for my recklessnes and punish my throbbing head with statements straight from a text book about the damage my overindulgence is causing on my body.

Obviously Mr "Im doing a SPORTS degree"Laing is not quite as sporty and health conscious as my friends allowing himself to get into such a state.

The lad only apologised through his university, because they made him, not because he had any remorse but he did it for his own advantage. He was scared his antics would get him thrown out of university. He should be and thrown out of Yorkshire to, for good. We have enough of our own, we do not need externals coming in and disturbing the peace.

Maybe I will go to his families gravestones and piss on them? Afterall I will not eat after lunch, go out and get totally smashed and bang I have an excuse to do what the hell I want!

Mr Laing your lack of respect for a city that has offered to educate you and for the very poor souls that lost their lives so you could have that opportunity disgusts me. Your shenanigans are only further highlighted by your appauling taste in smalls, Cerise pink undercrackers??? Delightful. Just one more suggestion, maybe whilst you were in the Frog and Parrot you should have held back on a couple of pints. Not just to save you pissing on the war memorial but so you could afford to get a hair cut.

Go back to were you came from and take your little girls pants with you!

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